Leading International Trade Show Shipping & Logistics
TWI Group, Inc. is a specialty freight forwarder, shipping trade show and exhibit material to international destinations. Founded on the principle of personal attention, TWI provides:
- Complete shipping instructions
- Export deadlines
- Packaging and labeling information
- Documentation and entry requirements
- Information about the show and host country
- On-site support at major shows
- Solutions to freight problems
- Payment to the on-site agent
- Standardized tariff rates
- Customs clearances
- Temporary Import Bonds (TIBs)
- Committed sales and operational staff
Once the exhibitor's freight is ready and the paperwork complete, the TWI team:
- Prepares the necessary Customs export documents
- Routes material on international carriers
- Monitors all shipments en route
- Supervises Customs clearance and Temporary Import Bonds (TIBs) in the host country
- Coordinates transporting materials from the entry port/airport to the exhibition site
- Oversees delivery of materials to the exhibit booth and removes and stores empty containers
- Arranges necessary labor and equipment (forklifts, cranes, etc.) for installation and dismantle
- Coordinates the return shipping documentation
- Transports materials from the show site to the point of origin or any other destination.
To ensure fail-safe operations, each activity is constantly updated on TWI's Project Management System.